duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

99 things...

1.Hachiko doesn’t like this game at all but she can’t do anything to stop Senko’s evilness
2.Hachiko is thinking what to say about her
3.Hachiko’s real name is Teodora
4.She is 16 but she won’t be a teenager forever and she knows that.
5.She gets sad when people around her are sad
6.She loves to laugh
7.She was nicknamed Hachiko by her best friend Nana
8.She has another best friend called Lucille
9.She has a younger personality called Xim whom is very childish
10.Her sister is Senko-chan.

11.Hachiko is very proud of her highschool George Cosbuc
12.Hachiko loves the 4th floor of Unirea shopping Center
13.Hachiko loves to play her guitar
14.Hachiko loves her room full of band posters
15.Hachiko loves her socks
16.And her skate shoes
17.Hachi means 8 in Japanese
18.Hachi’s favourite number is 5
19.Her birthday is on the 5th of February
20.She loves dogs

21.Hachiko loves to collect ribbons
22.Hachiko loves to combine pink and black
23.Hachiko loves strawberries and roses
24.She is in love with her teddy bear[though this is a secret]
25.Hachi doesn’t have a boyfriend like Senko’s.
26.Hachi doesn’t have a boyfriend at all…
27.Hachi is anime addicted
28.Hachi is manga addicted
29.Hachi wants to marry a bishounen
30.She likes going to concerts

31.Hachiko is lively and friendly
32.She can get sad very easy
33.She loves her friends a lot
34.She likes to stay with Claudia in her breaks
35.She goes to school by bus
36.She has fights with Aiko and then goes and hugs her
37.She loves Kinder chocolate
38.She considers herself as” Cola Addicted”
39.She is a damn proud Aquarius
40.She knows that Cancers won’t rule the world even though they really are aiming for that[mwhahahaha]

41.She hates Facebook
42.She knows that Facebook is better than Hi5 but she still hates it.
43.She sings in a choir
44.Once she recorded 2 songs
45.She hates it that Senko didn't kiss her boyfriend yet
46.Hachiko loves to cosplay Japanese high school girls with neko ears and tail
47.She wants to go to Nijikon and Otaku everyday
48.Hachi likes the word “manz” and finds it very funny
49.Her favourite activity is to sleep
50.Hachi has a secret romance with Sasori[but only her sister and her personality know that]

51.She doesn’t write every day on BlogSpot like Xim
53.Loves her music teacher
54.She loves friendship bracelets and handmade stuff
55.She is a huge fan of Jack from Nightmare before Christmas
56.Hachi loves rock music
57.She has brown or green eyes[she doesn’t know either]
58.She would like to dye her hair red
59.She likes her new schoolbag
60.She doesn’t like to smoke even if…

61.She hates it when people[especially men] call her ”pisi” on the street
62.She loves romance novels even though she doesn’t believe in “true love”
63.She thinks that hot guys are divided in 3 categories: 1.the ones who have a girlfriend, 2. The ones that appear in Manga and 3. The ones that are gay
64.She likes to change the color of her nails very often
65.She finds bugs disgusting creatures[and she's afraid of spiders]
66.She could talk about Anime and Manga for hours with Senko
67.She likes to talk on the phone on her way back home
68.She is very stubborn
69.She hates it when her parents tell her what to do
70.She has her own way of thinking [and believe me it’s like a complicated maze]

71.She likes better Metrorex than RATB
72.She went to a RBD concert with Senko in the 6th grade
73.She likes her perfume
74.Hachi loves to tell jokes
75.She enjoys any kind of movie [though she watched Horror Movies with the pillow on her face]
76.She wants to know Japanese fluently
77.She simply loves English from the bottom of her heart
78.Hachi thinks that once she was a cat
79.Hachi is a popular name for dogs in Japan
80.But Hachi loves “Hachi”

81.Hachi wants to become a journalist
82.She wants to visit Japan
83.Hachiko hates “manele” and that’s all
84.Hachiko wants to finish this list for once
85.Hachiko can be funny sometimes
86.Hachiko corrupted Nana to watch anime
87.Hachiko corrupted Xim to listen to rock music
88.Hachiko misses her communication teacher Garry
89.Hachi is going nuts if this continues any longer

91.Hachiko hates liars
92.Hachiko loves Jashin-sama
93.She likes to write novels
94.She would write a new chapter and then call everybody and read it to them
95.Hachiko loves Caramello Frappe from Springtime
96.Hachi doesn’t have any idea how to finish this
97.Hachi hates the name "Jimmy"
98.Hachi says buh-bye and goes to sleep

[You should start writing 99 things about you Lucille, Aiko, Mandy and Caroline]

sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

It smells like...

Miroase a ceva dulce, a parfum scump. Miroase a ciocolata Kinder.Miroase a scortisoara, a betisoare parfumate.Miroase a vara, a flori de tei. Miroase a iasomie. Miroase a acuarele si a cartele de metrou. Miroase a oja si demachiant. Miroase a papusa, a matase, a lemn vechi de chitara. Miroase a spirt si dezinfectant. Miroase a vopsea si a sampon. Miroase a culori. Miroase a...LUCIA!

duminică, 12 septembrie 2010

Finally awakened...

M-am trezit cu gandul la zilele insorite si la valurile marii...
M-am trezit cu gandul la drumetiile amuzante si la cantecele la focul de tabara...
M-am trezit cu gandul la jocul "baba-oarba" si la cazaturile nenumarate cu care m-am ales...
M-am trezit cu gandul la prietenii mei si la glumele la care am ras cu pofta...
M-am trezit cu gandul la briza de pe faleza si la prima imbratisare...
M-am trezit cu gandul la chitara mea care suna atat de dulce in mainile tale...
M-am trezit cu gandul la primele lacrimi varsate din dragoste...
M-am trezit cu gandul la escapadele lunilor de iulie si august de care parintii nu vor afla prea curand...
M-am trezit cu gandul la frappe-ul care nu va mai avea acelasi gust in lunile de iarna...
M-am trezit...si uitandu-ma in urma totul pare atat de indepartat si strain, precum povestile de pe paginile unei carti pe care o tii pentru prima data in mana.
M-am trezit si acum realizez ca tot ce a fost ramane in trecut si oricat de mult as incerca sa schimb asta nu voi reusi...
M-am trezit la realitate si imi dau seama ca tot ce am trait pana acum a facut parte dintr-un univers paralel in care as vrea sa ma pierd pentru totdeauna...
M-am trezit...M-am trezit si regret...M-am trezit in sfarsit...

luni, 6 septembrie 2010


"Nici nu mai stiu cum mai am putere sa zambesc.Putere. Cand am avut eu putere? Este foarte ciudat ca o persoana atat de slaba ca mine a pretins vreodata ca este puternica. Nu am fost niciodata asa, desi mi-am dorit.Mi-am dorit sa fiu capabila sa port ranchiuna, sa nu mai privesc inapoi, sa nu mai pun la suflet banalitatile vietii, sa rad de persoanele care au ras de mine.Mi-am dorit din tot sufletul sa nu mai fiu privita ca pe o unealta, sa nu mai fiu folosita si apoi lasata balta. Mi-am dorit IMPOSIBILUL.
Ma uit in urma mea si regret ca am trait atat. Regret ca am trait degeaba.Am trait ca sa ii fac pe altii fericiti.Pe mine nu m-a facut nimeni fericita. Poate ca fericirea nu este pentru mine...
Ma doare in piept. In ultima vreme totul s-a transformat in durere fizica.Ma doare cand zambesc, cand vorbesc, cand respir.
Nu mai stiu sa exprim ce simt cu adevarat. Este ceva obisnuit sa fiu neputincioasa. Cat timp va mai trebui sa arat un zambet fals? Cat timp va trebui sa ma mai prefac, sa spun ca totul este bine cand defapt nu este deloc asa..."

"Nimeni nu are putere sa zambeasca.Nimeni. Nu zambesti din cauza puterii, ci pentru ca ai motive. Motivul iti da putere. Considera-te puternica, ai un motiv.
Imi tremura mana. Ai idee cum se simte? Sunt constienta ca nu ma pot in viata altora. Am ramasla viata mea. Tot ce am putut face a fost sa am incredere in voi, ca sa nu ma bag in viata voastra. Asta nu tot <> ti se pare?
Mie da.
Ai impresia ca esti slaba? Toti traim degeaba, pentru ca lumea exista degeaba.Profita in favoarea ta pana nu se pateaza tot de <>. Stii tu, starea aia similara cu moartea...Nu vrei sa moara ce e in jurul tau. Alege sa traiesti pentru un motiv. Sincer, e cel mai bine. Oricum nu ai de ales, trebuie sa respiri. Moartea trebuie sa te aleaga pe tine, nu tu pe ea. Si nu vorbesc doar de moarte patologica.
Nu ai ce face.
Asta e...

[Un moment in care m-am ratacit si tu ai fost acolo pentru mine.Arigato^^]